Overview of Week 23 of pregnancy During week 23 of pregnancy: Your baby is 11.5 inches long You are in trimester two 17 more weeks to go Movements may be felt by your partner At 23 weeks pregnant, birth may still seem like it’s forever away. However, now is a good time to start preparing …
Week 22 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 22 of pregnancy During week 22 of pregnancy: Your baby is 11 inches long You are in trimester two 18 more weeks to go Your baby weighs 1 pound. Your baby is busy growing and moving around. You have likely already started to feel your little one kicking and squirming in your …
Week 21 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 21 of pregnancy During week 21 of pregnancy: Your baby is 10.5 inches long You are in trimester two 19 more weeks to go Length measurements now include the full body You are now over halfway through your pregnancy. By this point, you probably have a good-sized baby bump and you may …
Week 20 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 20 of pregnancy During week 20 of pregnancy: Your baby is 6.5 inches long You are in trimester two 20 more weeks to go You are halfway through pregnancy Congratulations, you have made it to the halfway point! This week you will have the highly anticipated anatomy scan. This ultrasound scan is …
Week 19 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 19 of pregnancy During week 19 of pregnancy: Your baby is 6 inches long You are in trimester two 21 more weeks to go Baby is covered with vernix Your baby’s main organs and body parts have all been formed. Now, they just have to finish growing and developing. Your little one …
Week 18 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 18 of pregnancy During week 18 of pregnancy: Your baby is 5.5 inches long You are in trimester two 22 more weeks to go Genitals are visible on ultrasounds Have you felt your baby kick yet? It can be difficult for first-time mothers to decipher which sensations are actually from their baby. …
Week 17 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 17 of pregnancy During week 17 of pregnancy: Your baby is 5 inches long You are in trimester two 23 more weeks to go Baby can hear Your baby is starting to be able to use their ears to hear. Right now, the main sounds your baby will hear are the sounds …
Week 16 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 16 of pregnancy During week 16 of pregnancy: You have probably been wondering when you will start to feel those little baby kicks. For some women, they can start feeling little movements during week 16; however, for some women, it may not be until week 22. Typically, for a first pregnancy, baby …
Week 15 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 15 of pregnancy During week 15 of pregnancy: Your baby is 4 inches long You are in trimester two 25 more weeks to go Bones are starting to harden Your baby is growing so fast! Once only the size of a pinhead, they have now grown to the size of a pear. …
Week 14 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips
Overview of Week 14 of pregnancy During week 14 of pregnancy: Your baby is 3.5 inches long You are in trimester two 26 more weeks to go Baby is making facial movements Now that everyone knows about your pregnancy, it is time to sit back and enjoy it. Your bump is probably starting to grow, …