Overview of Week 19 of pregnancy
During week 19 of pregnancy:
- Your baby is 6 inches long
- You are in trimester two
- 21 more weeks to go
- Baby is covered with vernix
Your baby’s main organs and body parts have all been formed. Now, they just have to finish growing and developing. Your little one is also starting to practice skills it will need in the outside world, such as sucking and swallowing. Did you know that at this point, your baby is also yawning and hiccuping?
How many months pregnant is 19 weeks?
At 19 weeks pregnant, you are about 4 months and 2 weeks pregnant. You are in your fifth month of pregnancy and you are in your second trimester. There are 4.5 more months left of pregnancy.

How big is baby at 19 weeks pregnant?
During the 17th week of pregnancy, your baby has grown to around 6 inches long, from crown to rump. This is approximately the size of a mango. Your little one is weighing in at around 8.5 ounces this week.
Baby development during week 19 of pregnancy
This week, your baby is covered in a substance known as vernix. This is a white, protective coating that covers your baby’s skin while in your uterus. Vernix protects your little one’s sensitive skin from the amniotic fluids, as well as keeps in moisture. It also helps to prevent infections and helps to regulate your baby’s body temperature.
At 19 weeks pregnant, your little one’s fingerprints are fully developed. Those little unique ridges have been formed and make up the permanent pattern that will only be able to identify your baby.

Pregnancy Week 19 Symptoms
Round ligament pain
You may experience a sharp pain in your lower abdomen near the groin or hip area. This pain is known as round ligament pain. This is one of the most common complaints of pregnancy, most frequently occurring in the second trimester. If you do experience round ligament pain, the best thing to do is change positions and try to stretch the muscles out.
Back pain
Now that your baby bump is growing, you might start to experience back pain. Back pain in pregnancy usually begins in the second trimester and is characterized as a dull or achy pain in the lower back. To relieve pain, try to keep a good posture. If your belly is bigger, you may want to try a pregnancy band to relieve some of the pressure out of your back. Heat pads or massage may also help to relieve some pain.
Swelling in pregnancy is a normal symptom that usually starts in the second trimester and may worsen towards the end of pregnancy. Excess fluids in the body and pressure from your growing uterus can cause water retention in the feet, ankles, and hands. If you notice your fingers starting to swell, you should remove any rings until the swelling goes down. Let your doctor or midwife know if the swelling worsens or if there is a large amount in your face or around your eyes.
Pregnancy hormones may allow the muscles in the esophagus to relax more frequently, allowing stomach acids to push back up into the esophagus. This is what causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn or acid reflux. Unfortunately, this is one of those pregnancy symptoms that will come and go all throughout your pregnancy. Over-the-counter medications, such as Tums or Rolaids, can help to reduce any discomfort. If any pain persists, it is best to talk to your doctor about other medications that may be available.
Pregnancy week 19 tips
Take pictures
Have you taken your weekly baby bump photo yet? These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy. In fact, if you have been taking pictures since the beginning of your pregnancy, you will probably already see some transformation.
Plan a gender reveal
If you are expecting to learn your baby’s sex at your ultrasound appointment next week, you may want to plan a gender reveal party. This is a fun way to share the news with your close friends and family. At your ultrasound appointment, ask the technician to write the sex of your baby on a piece of paper. Then they can seal it in an envelope. You can then give that envelope to someone you trust and have them go and pick up the gender reveal activity. Common gender reveals activities include cutting a cake with either pink or blue inside, shooting pink or blue party poppers, or hitting a pinata with either pink or blue within it. Whatever you choose, it will be a fun and memorable way to learn the sex of your baby.
Sleep on your side
Now that your baby bump is growing, it is best to start getting used to sleeping on your side. With a growing belly, sleeping on your stomach will become uncomfortable and nearly impossible. Sleeping on your back is not recommended due to the growing baby and uterus putting too much pressure on major veins that bring blood back to the heart from the lower body. Side-sleeping is shown by research to be the best for both you and your baby as it allows for maximum blood flow to the placenta and growing fetus.
Buy some parenting books
If this is your first child, it may be a good time to pick up some parenting books. This will get you prepared for what to expect during that first year. Having a baby is a big change and it is good to have a plan and know what to expect when it comes to eating, sleeping, and other aspects of caring for a child. Be sure to share the books with your partner so you can start a conversation about how you would like to raise your child.