Overview of Week 17 of pregnancy
During week 17 of pregnancy:
- Your baby is 5 inches long
- You are in trimester two
- 23 more weeks to go
- Baby can hear
Your baby is starting to be able to use their ears to hear. Right now, the main sounds your baby will hear are the sounds inside your body, like your heart beating and the sounds of digestion. However, they could also start to hear the sound of your voice soon. If you haven’t started already, this is the time to begin talking to your baby. Tell them about your day or sing them some songs, anything so they can start to recognize your voice. This goes for your partner, as well.
How many months pregnant is 17 weeks?
At 17 weeks pregnant, you are officially 4 months pregnant! You will enter your fifth month of pregnancy this week. You are in your second trimester. There are 5 more months left of pregnancy.

How big is baby at 17 weeks pregnant?
During the 17th week of pregnancy, your baby has grown to around 5 inches long, from crown to rump. This is approximately the size of a large onion. This week, your baby also weighs approximately 5 ounces.
Baby development during week 17 of pregnancy
During the 17th week of pregnancy, your fetus’ ears are almost finished developing and your baby can start to hear. Your baby will be able to hear the sounds inside your body, such as the sounds of your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. Your voice may also be heard soon by your little one.
Fat development
Under your baby’s skin, fatty tissue is starting to develop. These fat cells usually start to develop in the face, neck, and stomach first. Next, it will develop in the back, arms, legs, and chest. Fatty tissue is important for energy storage, insulation, and protection of the organs.
Umbilical cord & placenta
Both the umbilical cord and the placenta continue to grow with your fetus. The umbilical cord is growing thicker and longer. The placenta is also growing bigger and circulating is increasing to deliver more oxygen and other nutrients to your baby.

Pregnancy Week 17 Symptoms
Round ligament pain
You may experience a sharp pain in your lower abdomen near the groin or hip area. This pain is known as round ligament pain. This is one of the most common complaints of pregnancy, most frequently occurring in the second trimester. If you do experience round ligament pain, the best thing to do is change positions and try to stretch the muscles out.
Glowing skin
You may have heard of pregnant women ‘glowing’ before, and now people may be starting to say that you also have the pregnancy glow. Increased blood flow through your body may bring more blood to the surface of the skin, creating a flushed, radiating look. Increases in hormones also add to this effect.
Visible veins
Around week 10 of pregnancy, you may start to notice more visible veins on your breasts, chest, belly, and legs. These veins will appear more blue-ish or purple and are caused by the increased blood volume throughout your body. Usually, after pregnancy, your veins will return to normal and will no longer be as visible.
Pregnancy hormones may allow the muscles in the esophagus to relax more frequently, allowing stomach acids to push back up into the esophagus. This is what causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn or acid reflux. Unfortunately, this is one of those pregnancy symptoms that will come and go all throughout your pregnancy. Over-the-counter medications, such as Tums or Rolaids, can help to reduce any discomfort. If any pain persists, it is best to talk to your doctor about other medications that may be available.
Pregnancy week 17 tips
Take pictures
Have you taken your weekly photo yet? These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy. In fact, if you have been taking pictures since the beginning of your pregnancy, you will probably already see some transformation.
Eat well
If you had morning sickness in the first trimester, you may not have been eating the healthiest things. In fact, you were probably only eating whatever you could keep down. If your nausea has decreased, you may want to start thinking about how to improve your diet to best support your growing fetus. A diet balanced in fruit, vegetables, and fiber will help you continue having a healthy pregnancy.
Predict your baby’s sex
In just a few weeks, you will have your 20-week anatomy scan. During this ultrasound, if you decide to find out your baby’s sex, the ultrasound technician will be able to let you know. Leading up to this point, it may be fun to start predicting your baby’s sex. Will you have a little boy or a little girl?
Set boundaries for bump touching
Your bump might be showing now and there is nothing like a woman with a pregnancy bump that attracts strangers. You will start to notice more people looking your way and asking about your pregnancy. One thing you may not be prepared for though is the number of people that will want to touch your growing bump. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and tell people, especially strangers, if you are not comfortable with them touching you.
Sleep on your side
Now that your baby bump is growing, it is best to start getting used to sleeping on your side. With a growing belly, sleeping on your stomach will become uncomfortable and nearly impossible. Sleeping on your back is not recommended due to the growing baby and uterus putting too much pressure on major veins that bring blood back to the heart from the lower body. Side-sleeping is shown by research to be the best for both you and your baby as it allows for maximum blood flow to the placenta and growing fetus.