Pregnancy Pregnancy Guide Trimester Two

Week 20 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips

Overview of Week 20 of pregnancy

During week 20 of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is 6.5 inches long
  • You are in trimester two
  • 20 more weeks to go
  • You are halfway through pregnancy

Congratulations, you have made it to the halfway point!

This week you will have the highly anticipated anatomy scan. This ultrasound scan is used to check your baby’s growth and look for any defects. Once the technician has finished collecting all the data they will need, you will get a detailed look at your little one. Your last ultrasound was probably about 3 months ago, so you will really get to see how much your baby has grown. From a little bean, all the way to a banana-sized baby (that now actually looks like a baby!). If you wish to find out the sex of your baby, you will also get the chance to do so at this appointment.

How many months pregnant is 20 weeks?

At 20 weeks pregnant, you have made it halfway through pregnancy. This week, you will reach the 4-and-a-half-month milestone of pregnancy. You are in your second trimester. There are 4.5 more months left of pregnancy.

Week 20 of pregnancy: your baby is the size of a banana

How big is baby at 20 weeks pregnant?

During the 20th week of pregnancy, your baby has grown to around 6.5 inches long, from crown to rump. This is approximately the size of a banana. Next week, the crown to rump measurements will end and your baby will be measured head to toe. If you were to weigh your little one, they would be about 10 ounces.

Baby development during week 20 of pregnancy


By week 20, your baby is regularly going through sleep and wake cycles. They may also be woken if you make loud noises or sudden movements.


Your baby continues to strengthen its sucking reflex, which will be needed for feeding once born. Your little one may also start to suck on its thumb around this time.

Sex Organs

If you are having a girl, the ovaries are fully developed, as well as the uterus. There are little eggs in her ovaries. In fact, at week 20, your girls will have the maximum number of eggs in the ovaries. From this point forward, eggs will start to decrease. Right now, she has about 7 million eggs, but at birth, there will only be about 2 million.

If you are having a boy, his testes are still in the abdomen. They will make their descent down in a few weeks when the scrotum is finished developing.

Week 20 of pregnancy infographic showing baby development and symptoms

Pregnancy Week 20 Symptoms

Shortness of breath

As your baby and your uterus grow, there will be increased pressure on your lungs. This means you may find it harder to breathe and catch your breath. A brisk walk or trip up the stairs may lead you to have shortness of breath. If you are having a hard time breathing, it is best to slow down on exercising and take breaks while walking.

Back pain

Now that your baby bump is growing, you might start to experience back pain. Back pain in pregnancy usually begins in the second trimester and is characterized as a dull or achy pain in the lower back. To relieve pain, try to keep a good posture. If your belly is bigger, you may want to try a pregnancy band to relieve some of the pressure out of your back. Heat pads or massage may also help to relieve some pain.


Swelling in pregnancy is a normal symptom that usually starts in the second trimester and may worsen towards the end of pregnancy. Excess fluids in the body and pressure from your growing uterus can cause water retention in the feet, ankles, and hands. If you notice your fingers starting to swell, you should remove any rings until the swelling goes down. Let your doctor or midwife know if the swelling worsens or if there is a large amount in your face or around your eyes.


Pregnancy hormones may allow the muscles in the esophagus to relax more frequently, allowing stomach acids to push back up into the esophagus. This is what causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn or acid reflux. Unfortunately, this is one of those pregnancy symptoms that will come and go all throughout your pregnancy. Over-the-counter medications, such as Tums or Rolaids, can help to reduce any discomfort. If any pain persists, it is best to talk to your doctor about other medications that may be available.

Pregnancy week 20 tips

Take pictures

Have you taken your weekly baby bump photo yet? These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy.   In fact, if you have been taking pictures since the beginning of your pregnancy, you will probably already see some transformation.

Come up with baby names

Now that you know the sex of your baby, you can start to brainstorm baby names. You and your partner can both come up with a list, which you can compare and narrow down the options. Decide if you would like a common name, a modern name, or a unique name. You can download baby name apps, watch baby naming videos or just look through baby books to help brainstorm.

Start a baby registry

This is a good time to start a baby registry. A baby registry is a list of baby items at a particular store that goes on your wish list. Friends and family can then look at this list and buy items that they can give to you at your baby shower. Popular baby registry items include diapers, clothing, and toys.

Week 20 of pregnancy pinterest pin

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