Pregnancy Pregnancy Guide Trimester Three

Week 30 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips

Overview of Week 30 of pregnancy

During week 30 of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is 15.75 inches long
  • You are in trimester three
  • 10 more weeks to go
  • Brain is rapidly developing

You are 3/4 of the way done this pregnancy! During these last two months, you may notice that some of those first trimester symptoms are coming back, such as tender breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. Your breasts are gearing up to start milk production soon. Your body is working overtime to have your baby grow and finish being developed. Finally, your growing uterus is also putting pressure on your bladder, making it empty more often. Just remember, you are nearing the end of this journey and the bundle of joy you get at the end will be more than worth any suffering.

How many months pregnant is 30 weeks?

During the 30th week of pregnancy, you are roughly 6 months and 3 weeks pregnant. You are nearing the end of your 7th month of pregnancy and are in the third trimester. Just over 2 months left until you meet your little one.

Week 30 of pregnancy: your baby is the size of a cabbage

How big is baby at 30 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is now around 15 and 3/4 inches long, from head to toe. Curled up in your uterus, it is roughly the size of a cabbage. As for weight, your little one weighs about 3 pounds by week 30 of pregnancy. Your baby is putting on about half a pound of weight each week until birth.

Baby development during week 30 of pregnancy


Your baby’s brain is rapidly growing through the third trimester. Up until this point, that little brain has been smooth, but this week, it is starting to wrinkle. The ups and downs, curves, and indentations that are commonly associated with brains are forming now. These wrinkles allow for more surface area in the brain, and therefore, more brain tissue and cells.

Red Blood Cells

Production of the red blood cells has now been taken over by the bone marrow. Before this week, the spleen and other tissue groups were producing the red blood cells.

Week 30 of pregnancy infographic showing baby development and symptoms

Pregnancy Week 30 Symptoms


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your rectum and around your anus. During pregnancy, increased blood flow to the pelvic area, as well as increased pressure from the uterus, causes veins around your rectum to swell. Hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and if you get them, it is best to avoid sitting for too long at a time, as sitting can cause extra pressure on the veins.


Swelling in pregnancy is a normal symptom that usually starts in the second trimester and may worsen towards the end of pregnancy. Excess fluids in the body and pressure from your growing uterus can cause water retention in the feet, ankles, and hands. If you notice your fingers starting to swell, you should remove any rings until the swelling goes down. Let your doctor or midwife know if the swelling worsens or if there is a large amount in your face or around your eyes.

Shortness of breath

As your baby and your uterus grow, there will be increased pressure on your lungs. This means you may find it harder to breathe and catch your breath. A brisk walk or trip up the stairs may lead you to have shortness of breath. If you are having a hard time breathing, it is best to slow down on exercising and take breaks while walking.


Pregnancy hormones may allow the muscles in the esophagus to relax more frequently, allowing stomach acids to push back up into the esophagus. This is what causes the burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn or acid reflux.  Now that your baby and uterus are growing, there is also more pressure on your stomach which causes acids to be pushed further up. Over-the-counter medications, such as Tums or Rolaids, can help to reduce any discomfort. If any pain persists, it is best to talk to your doctor about other medications that may be available.

Pregnancy week 30 tips

Take pictures

Have you taken your weekly baby bump photo yet? These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy.   In fact, if you have been taking pictures since the beginning of your pregnancy, you will probably already see some transformation.

Get nursery ready

The third trimester is the perfect time to get everything ready for the arrival of your little one. This is the time to set up the crib, put together the changing table, and decorate the walls of the nursery. Finalizing the nursery will take a load of weight off your shoulders and make the upcoming arrival of your new baby seem all that more real.

Pack your hospital bag

You never know when your little one will decide to make their appearance. It’s a good idea to start packing a hospital bag to have ready, just in case. Remember to pack extra clothes for both you and the baby, diapers, wipes, and your phone charger.

Take off your rings

You may have already noticed some swelling from the second trimester; however, in the third trimester, it is sure to increase. Make sure you take off any rings from your fingers before they swell too much. Most women will have to remove rings until after the birth of their babies.

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