Pregnancy Pregnancy Guide Trimester One

Week 12 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips

Overview of Week 12 of pregnancy

During week 12 of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is 2.1 inches long
  • You are in trimester one
  • 28 more weeks to go
  • White blood cells are being made

This is your last week of the first trimester! Hopefully, by now, any morning sickness you may have been experiencing is diminishing. For most women, nausea only lasts for the first trimester, however, for some women, it can last the entire pregnancy. Other symptoms of pregnancy may also be easing at this point, such as fatigue and acne.

How many months pregnant is 12 weeks?

At 12 weeks pregnant, you are around 2 months and 3 weeks pregnant. You are in your first trimester, however this is the last week. Next week, you will enter the second trimester. You have just over 6 months left of pregnancy.

Week 12 of pregnancy: your baby is as big as a plum

How big is baby at 12 weeks pregnant?

This week, your baby is the size of a plum. They measure around 2.1 inches long, from crown to rump. Your baby will continue to be measured from crown to rump until the second trimester when it will become easier to measure the leg length. As for weight, your little one weighs approximately 1/2 oz.

Baby development during week 12 of pregnancy

Immune System

Your little one’s bone marrow is starting to make white blood cells. These cells are an important part of the immune system that will help fight against viruses once your baby is born.


The fingers and toes of your baby are starting to move. The hands can now open and close; the toes can curl. Your fetus will also move if your tummy is poked. This can be seen on an ultrasound.


When the intestines were being developed, they were being formed in the umbilical cord due to lack of space in the abdominal cavity. This week, your baby’s intestines will make the move into the abdominal cavity, as the cavity closes up.

Week 12 of pregnancy infographic showing baby development and symptoms

Pregnancy Week 12 Symptoms

Weight gain

You may not have a noticeable baby bump yet, but your clothes may start to feel a little tight all of a sudden. Weight gain is totally acceptable and even encouraged throughout pregnancy. You are now growing a baby, and with that comes increased blood volume, amniotic fluid, and a growing placenta; all of which will contribute to the weight you will be gaining. Most women should expect to gain 25-35 pounds, or even more, during pregnancy.


The good news is that your morning sickness should be residing by now. This symptom usually only lasts until the end of the first trimester; however, some women may experience morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy.

More than 50% of women experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that occurs anytime throughout the day. It is caused by the sudden increase in pregnancy hormones in your body and can be triggered by certain foods, smells, or even for no reason at all. 

Headaches & dizziness

Both headaches and a feeling of being dizzy are common symptoms during pregnancy. Increased blood volume and low blood sugar can lead to a light-headed feeling that may make the room seem to spin. Make sure to eat regularly to keep your blood sugar levels balanced. If you start to feel a bit dizzy, it is best to sit or lay down and take deep breaths.

Pregnancy week 12 tips

Take pictures

You may not have a baby bump yet, but I recommend you start taking progress pictures now. These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy.

Buy maternity clothing

You may have noticed your pants are feeling a bit snug lately. It may be a good time to go shopping for some maternity clothing that will fit you for the next 7 months. There are plenty of specialty stores dedicated to just maternity items, or you can also find maternity sections in many department stores. Thrift stores often have some really good finds as well. It may also be beneficial to buy some maternity tops that will easily be able to convert to nursing shirts when the baby arrives, if you decide to breastfeed.

Plan your announcement

Most women choose to announce their pregnancy right around the second-trimester mark. You may have already told your close friends and family but now is time to think about how you will tell your extended family, co-workers, and acquaintances. You may want to take a cute photo and post it on social media for all to see, or maybe you want to tell everyone in person.

Plan a babymoon

A babymoon could be the last kid-free vacation you may be able to take for a while. Whether it is a quick weekend getaway in the next town over or an international beach trip, a babymoon is a great way to relax and spend some quality time with your partner before your new family member makes their appearance.

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