Pregnancy Pregnancy Guide Trimester One

Week 10 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips

Overview of Week 10 of pregnancy

During week 10 of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is 1.5 inches long
  • You are in trimester one
  • 30 more weeks to go
  • Last week of embryo stage

At 10 weeks pregnant, you may be wondering when you’ll start to look pregnant (or maybe you already do!). Baby bumps grow at different rates for each woman and even differ between pregnancies. If this is your second pregnancy, your bump may make an appearance a bit sooner than the first time.

You are 1/4 of the way through your pregnancy and your little one is quickly developing and growing. This week, joints and cartilage are forming, as well as little teeth underneath the gums.

How many months pregnant is 10 weeks?

At 10 weeks pregnant, you are around 2 months, 1 week pregnant. This week means you are officially 1/4 of the way through your pregnancy! You are in your first trimester, although you are nearing the end of it. You have 6.5 months left of pregnancy.

Week 10 of pregnancy: your baby is as big as a prune

How big is baby at 10 weeks pregnant?

This week, your baby is the size of a prune. It measures around 1.5 inches long, from crown to rump. Your baby will continue to be measured from crown to rump until the second trimester when it will become easier to measure the leg length.

Baby development during week 10 of pregnancy

Joint Development

Soft bones continue to develop in your baby’s skeleton this week. Cartilage is also beginning to form, along with your baby’s joints. Your embryo is able to start bending its arms and legs at the elbow and knees.


Under your baby’s gums, little teeth buds are starting to form. Although your little one is already developing teeth, those teeth will erupt from the gums until around 6 months after birth.


The main components of your baby’s eyes are now developed. These parts include the cornea, iris, and pupil. The eyelids have also been formed and cover the eyes. Your embryo’s eyes will remain closed until the third trimester.

Week 10 of pregnancy infographic showing baby development and symptoms

Pregnancy Week 10 Symptoms

Weight gain

You may not have a noticeable baby bump yet, but your clothes may start to feel a little tight all of a sudden. Weight gain is totally acceptable and even encouraged throughout pregnancy. You are now growing a baby, and with that comes increased blood volume, amniotic fluid, and a growing placenta; all of which will contribute to the weight you will be gaining. Most women should expect to gain 25-35 pounds, or even more, during pregnancy.


More than 50% of women experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that occurs anytime throughout the day. It is caused by the sudden increase in pregnancy hormones in your body and can be triggered by certain foods, smells, or even for no reason. This symptom usually only lasts until the end of the first trimester; however, some women may experience morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy.


As hormones, particularly progesterone, surge in response to pregnancy, you are sure to feel more tired than usual. Your body is starting to work overtime to grow a new human so it is normal to feel a bit fatigued. Your heart will also pump faster as blood volume increases to supply the developing placenta and the developing circulatory system of your embryo. This increase is also a culprit for this new tiredness you are experiencing.

Visible veins

Around week 10 of pregnancy, you may start to notice more visible veins on your breasts, chest, belly, and legs. These veins will appear more blue-ish or purple and are caused by the increased blood volume throughout your body. Usually, after pregnancy, your veins will return to normal and will no longer be as visible.

Food cravings

Ever wanted to try pickles and ice cream? That combination may have sounded gross to you before, but now that you’re pregnant, you may be asking your partner to go out and buy exactly that. Researchers aren’t exactly sure what causes food cravings in pregnancy, but 50-90% of women will experience them at some point in their pregnancy. You may crave sweets, salty foods, spicy foods, or even foods that you dislike. Many women have experienced loving food during their pregnancy that they hated while not pregnant. Whatever your craving, give it a shot but remember to keep a balanced diet.

Pregnancy week 10 tips

Decide on prenatal tests

Starting this week, you will have a chance to do a prenatal screening test on your baby. Typically a blood test is done to check if there are any defects or possible problems with your baby. Defects that are looked for include down syndrome and trisomy 18. Ultrasounds may also be done to check for these conditions. Now is the time to think about whether or not you would like to participate in these tests. This decision is up to you to make.

Start budgeting

This is a good time to take a good look at your finances and start to budget. You’ll want to save enough money to buy essential baby items, like diapers and wipes, as well as bigger ticket items such as a crib. Take a moment and sit down with your partner and really take a look at your finances and decide where you can cut back a bit.

Take pictures

You may not have a baby bump yet, but I recommend you start taking progress pictures now. These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy.

Buy maternity clothing

You may have noticed your pants are feeling a bit snug lately. It may be a good time to go shopping for some maternity clothing that will fit you for the next 7 months. There are plenty of specialty stores dedicated to just maternity items, or you can also find maternity sections in many department stores. Thrift stores often have some really good finds as well. It may also be beneficial to buy some maternity tops that will easily be able to convert to nursing shirts when the baby arrives, if you decide to breastfeed.

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