Pregnancy Pregnancy Guide Trimester Two

Week 13 of Pregnancy – Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips

Overview of Week 13 of pregnancy

During Week 13 of pregnancy:

  • Your baby is 2.9 inches long
  • You are in trimester two
  • 27 more weeks to go
  • Fingerprints are forming

Congratulations! You have reached a big pregnancy milestone which is the second trimester. At this point in pregnancy, the risk of a pregnancy loss reduces drastically, down to only 3-4%. This drastic decrease is what leads most women to wait until this point to announce their pregnancies.

The second trimester is also known to be the easiest trimester for most women. This is when a lot of the pregnancy symptoms decrease and morning sickness goes away. Women usually find this trimester as the time when they are ‘glowing’. So, relax and enjoy the next few months.

How many months pregnant is 13 weeks?

At 13 weeks pregnant, you will enter your fourth month of pregnancy and you will officially become 3 months pregnant. You have also just made the exciting pregnancy milestone of entering the second trimester. This is the trimester that most moms-to-be find to be the easiest, as pregnancy symptoms usually start to decline. There are 6 months left of pregnancy.

Week 13 of pregnancy: your baby is as big as a lemon

How big is baby at 13 weeks pregnant?

This week, your baby is the size of a lemon They measure around 2.9 inches long, from crown to rump. Your baby’s head is about half of this length. Your baby’s weight is just over 3/4oz.

Baby development during week 13 of pregnancy

Vocal Cords

Little vocal cords are starting to form. These will produce the cute coos and loud cries that you will hear once your little one is born.


Hair follicles continue to form this week and along with that, so are fine little hairs. These soft hairs are called lanugo and will soon cover your baby’s entire body. The purpose of these hairs is to hold a substance known as vernix, which protects your baby’s skin from the amniotic fluid.


This week, your baby’s little fingertips are forming little ridges that will make up their unique fingerprint.


The placenta, which delivers nutrients to your baby, is now fully formed and functional. However, it will continue to grow with your baby.

Week 13 of pregnancy inforgraphic showing baby development and symptoms

Pregnancy Week 13 Symptoms

Headaches & dizziness

Both headaches and a feeling of being dizzy are common symptoms during pregnancy. Increased blood volume and low blood sugar can lead to a light-headed feeling that may make the room seem to spin. Make sure to eat regularly to keep your blood sugar levels balanced. If you start to feel a bit dizzy, it is best to sit or lay down and take deep breaths.

Visible veins

During pregnancy, you may start to notice more visible veins on your breasts, chest, belly, and legs. These veins will appear more blue-ish or purple and are caused by the increased blood volume throughout your body. Usually, after pregnancy, your veins will return to normal and will no longer be as visible.

Increased sex drive

You may notice you have a higher libido now that you have reached the second trimester. This is generally caused by the continuous increase in estrogen and progesterone levels. Both of these hormones result in excess vaginal lubrication and increased blood flow to the pelvic area. In addition, now that pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness have dissipated, you will find you have more energy to enjoy sex.

Pregnancy week 13 tips

Take pictures

You may not have a baby bump yet, but I recommend you start taking progress pictures now. These pictures will be a good memory to look back on and it is a fun way to show your belly growing throughout your pregnancy. In fact, if you have been taking pictures since the beginning of your pregnancy, you will probably already see some transformation.

Tell your employer of the pregnancy

Now that you have reached the second trimester and you are announcing your pregnancy to everyone you know, you may want to think about telling your employer. It is best that your employer find out this news directly from you. You can also discuss how your pregnancy may potentially affect your duties at work, and how duties can be modified to support your pregnancy.

Eat well

If you had morning sickness in the first trimester, you may not have been eating the healthiest things. In fact, you were probably only eating whatever you could keep down. Now, if your nausea has decreased, you may want to start thinking about how you can improve your diet to best support your growing fetus. A diet balanced in fruit, vegetables, and fiber will help you continue having a healthy pregnancy.

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